хакатоны.рус - открой с нами мир хакатонов

Genuary 2023

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GENUARY returns! GENUARY is an artificially generated month of time where we build code that makes beautiful things.
It’s happening during the month of January 2023, and everybody is invited!
Over the 744 hours of January, for every 24 hours there will be one prompt for your code art.
You don’t have to follow the prompt exactly. Or even at all. But, y’know, we put effort into this.
You can use any language, framework or medium, on any planet.


Share your work and tag it with #genuary and #genuary2023 and also #genuary1, #genuary2, etc, depending on which prompt it is.
This makes it easier to find other people doing the same prompt, which might not always be on the same day, because some people are from the future. GENUARY happens on all the social media sites at once.
Joyn is helping out collecting all the hashtags if you tag them with the tag for the right prompt (#genuary1, #genuary2, etc), you can check out the galleries for each day here: GENUARY on Joyn


Click for the prompts for each day. These are all the actual prompts, but you’re only supposed to do them on that particular day.
Cheating is encouraged. Feel free to implement all these prompts before January. We will be seriously impressed if you do! Please share them!


  • Prepare a nice framework for yourself before January to quickly be able to start trying out ideas.
  • Don’t get burned out doing dailies. This is supposed to be fun and creative. If you start to resent dailies, or you find that it’s stunting you creatively, take a break and think about what you want to get out of this. Fun? Practicing skills? Learning? Breaking boredom? Getting ideas? It’s fine to skip days. If you’ve been on a streak and only have a few days left, you’ve got this.
  • There’s a prompt for each day, but you can do them in advance (or later!) if it’s convenient. No one is here to throw off your schedule.
We also got a page with frequently asked questions!


Регистрация и сайт соревнования: https://hcklink.ru/23301

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Подписывайся на нашу группу в ВК: https://vk.com/hackathonsrus

Также, наш Telegram-бот, где мы присылаем хакатоны, соревнования по параметрам, которые интересны тебе: https://t.me/hackathons4ubot